Differentiation for Presentations

Students will be required to use a flip book to record their research information.  In addition, each group will be given the same number of questions to complete (found on flip book).  Each group will be asked to include one "cool fact" they have learned about the Monarch Butterfly.  However, the number of questions completed or key facts included could be increased and/or decreased based upon group conferencing.  For example, if a group is struggling to find or record data, the teacher could modify the task. Ultimately, groups will be assessed on the quality of information recorded on their graphic organizer (flip book).

One way to differentiate the presentation is to give students an opportunity to choose the type of final project they would like to present (essay or poster).  Some students are more comfortable using art/illustrations to relay information, while other students prefer to present material through their writing.  Another way to differentiate the presentation, is to allow students to choose how they will participate in their group presentation.  For example, if a student is uncomfortable speaking in front of their peers, perhaps they could participate by holding the poster.